Search Results
B&B: Drug susceptibility of matrix-encapsulated Candida albicans nano-biofilms
Dr. Bahgat Fayed - Nanoparticles vs. Candida Biofilms
Candida albicans and drug tolerance
Using the Fluxion BioFlux 200 to Study Yeast Cell Adherence and Biofilm Formation in C albicans
Nanotechnology applied to the treatment of fungal infections
Candida auris: PCR Screening for Infection Prevention
Using Nanotechnology to Fight Infection
Biofilm (What is it?)
Cross-disciplinary research targets smart materials (Shear, Whiteley, Schmidt)
Battling Biofilm with AkzoNobel's Intersleek Coating
#BIOFILM (part 3) Significance of BIOFILM in pathogenesis
Engage your Audience! 2017 - Marcelle van der Waals (The Netherlands)